Our Services

We can help you settle in

We help connect families to the OPICG community and make their life in Oamaru as smooth as possible.

Services we offer:

See the services we offer below, click on an image for more information.
Community Connector Service
Pacific Health Navigation
COVID-19 Vaccination, Immunisation Clinics and Screenings
Smoking Cessation
Talanoa Ako
Tupu Aotearoa
Career Pathway Programme

Welfare Support Services

Community Connector Service

With an active approach we ensure you are able to access information and services across multiple government agencies and service providers. We support you and your whanaus linked and connected to social services, access food and essential items during self-isolation (Covid-19) and access health and safety programmes, including mental health.


Health Outreach Support

Pacific Health Navigation

Our Team helps you get enrolled/ registered in Primary Health Care Services, generate Well south voucher to assist with the General Practices Consultations and Pharmacy medication costs, and liaise on your behalf.

OPICG continues to work in the health promotion and prevention space through health advocacy and navigation, research, immunisation clinics, smoking cessation, and diabetes prevention programs.


Health Outreach Support:

COVID-19 Vaccination, Immunisation Clinics and Screenings

OPICG began facilitating COVID-19 vaccination clinics in July 2021. Since that time, we have offered numerous vaccination opportunities throughout the Waitaki District from small town halls to large drive-through events. As the only community provider of vaccinations in the District, we have been able to assist the adults and children in our community be protected against COVID-19. With the support of the Southern District Health Board, WellSouth and our local health providers, we have built a small community health workforce that can independently organise and conduct clinically sound, COVID-19 and flu vaccination clinics. OPICG has also been able to facilitate the training of health workers from our community, who are now Vaccinating Health Workers. Our staff are also certified COVID-19 Immunisation Registry (CIR) and Immunisation Support Workers.


Community Awareness:

Smoking Cessation

This free programme is available to anyone who smokes. We know that quitting is hard – therefore with the support of our trained stop smoking professionals this Service is designed to give you the best chance of quitting and staying smokefree. Part of the Service is we provide free Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRTs) such as patches, gum or lozenges. Quit now for your health, your whānau and your wallet.


Building Community Capability

Talanoa Ako

Talanoa Ako is an education programme for Pacific parents, families, and communities. This is a 10-week programme that aims to equip and empower parents, families and communities with skills, knowledge and confidence they need to champion their children’s education.



Building Community Capability

Tupu Aotearoa

Tupu Aotearoa Programme is about connecting Pacific people with local providers who will help them. So, we help young people find employment, complete further training or study. We also work with people who want to be placed into training/education and employment around the region – There is an assessment and enrolment process for anyone needing help in these areas. We also offer Driving Licence lessons and financial assistance around getting your driving licence after being assessed and enrolled.


Building Community Capability

Career Pathway Programme

The programme is tailored to adults currently employed and require additional support with career pathway advice; 1:1 mentoring and active case management to support their career aspirations.